Candidate Appearances in Presidential Elections - Scott L. Althaus (2000)
Nama Buku :Candidate Appearances in Presidential Elections - Scott L. Althaus (2000)
Kode Ebook :5340649617...

._The World Views of the U.S. Presidential Election 2008 - Matthias Maass (2009)
Nama Buku :._The World Views of the U.S. Presidential Election 2008 - Matthias Maass (2009)
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._Presidential Studies Reader - Robert P. Watson (2006)
Nama Buku :._Presidential Studies Reader - Robert P. Watson (2006)
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._Candidate Appearances in Presidential Elections - Scott L. Althaus (2000)
Nama Buku :._Candidate Appearances in Presidential Elections - Scott L. Althaus (2000)
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._Campaign 2000_ A Functional Analysis of Presidential Campaign Discourse (2003)
Nama Buku :._Campaign 2000_ A Functional Analysis of Presidential Campaign Discourse (2003)
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._A Presidential Energy Policy - Michael C. Ruppert (2009)
Nama Buku :._A Presidential Energy Policy - Michael C. Ruppert (2009)
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The Microanalysis of Political Communication_ Claptrap and Ambiguity
Nama Buku :The Microanalysis of Political Communication_ Claptrap and Ambiguity
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Nama Buku :-
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Nama Buku :Political_Communication_Strategies
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The Diaspora
Nama Buku :The Diaspora
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